Saturday, June 25, 2011




天公作美,孩子们的足球课取消了。我高高兴兴带着他们去放生。第一次去放生,路线不熟,错过了路口转弯,等我们找到了的地点,地藏7的同修们已经放出鸭子,开始念佛了。那些鸭子在水里扑腾翅膀,非常欢快。等放生结束后,又遇上另外一群人在放生。 Emily 想要看鸭子,我们又跟他们一起放生。孩子们这次真有缘,实际上放了两次生。晚上,Emily 和Andre 都告诉我它们帮助小朋友玩滑梯,Emily 主动帮忙折叠洗好的衣服。我真的好高兴。希望放生的活动能让他们多积福

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Emily survive the hot weather

It is over 30 egree in the afternoon and Bill took her to play golf course. I was worried about Emily's skin problem. In general Emily's eczema is recovered after the chinese medicine treatment. But we wonder if she can survive the hot weather and if eczema is getting worse. These days her eye is a little itchy and I rinse cotton pad and wipe her eyes and then put on Aveeno lotion. It turns out working. When she got home, she looked fine and did not feel more itchy before go to bed. Wow, she survived the hot weather today.

Emily's eczema

Since Emily was 2 months old, she only had a little itchy on the head and one of her leg. It was not that serious but still bothering her. When she was eight month old, she had rash all over the body after having a fever. Later on her whole body is itchy. It got worse when she was three. She could not sleep through the night, scratching her arms and legs every two or three hours. She would not stop scratching until bleeding. Pool little girl. Finally we decided to use Chinese medicine. In October 2010, a friend recommend a chinese doctor to me. She prescribe the powder to soak in the bath tub, cream to put on the skin, and chinese herb powder to eat. After the treatment, Emily got a little better and did not feel that itchy. But she did to recover completely. After stop using medicine, the situation got worse. At this time, I decided to try accupuncture. I know that Emily is scared of needle and definitely would not like it. But this the last chance to heal her eczema. The doctor said that we had to go with accupunture for 10 times and chinese herb medicine afterwards. Everyday Emily cried but I did not give up. After 10 times accupuncture, the doctor prescribe 20 days medicine. My mom cook the chinese medicine two times a day. During the treatment, Emily's arms and legs had a lot of bump and the doctor said that this situation would last upt 3 months. It was a miracle that Emily recovered completely. Even though she still feel a little bit itchy sometimes. I know that she must be allergy to something, for example she eat chocolate or cheese or touch grass and flowers. I am so happy to see her skin become smooth not bleeding any more.

Junior World Qualifying Tournament on May 19

Emily and Andre took Junior World Qualifying Tournament in Cambridge on May 19th. Emily's score is 46, including 5,6,6,7,3,4,3,8,4 and Andre's score is 57. When play the fourth hole, I had an arguement with Emily. Based on the yardage, I thought that she should use #9 club for the distance of 60 yard but she insist on using P club. It resulted in the shortage. Emily was unhappy then and I told her that she made a mistake and should listen to me even though I do not know much golf and Daddy and I studied the yard distance. After finished the fifth hole, she got the par and I bought ice tea for her. She felt better later. I told her that she need to calm down and control her feeling. She seems tired for the eighth hole and get 4 plus. In general, she was doing well. It does not matter wether she wins or not. I think that the most import thing is that she need to learn control her anger and keep her heart peaceful.

Friday, October 26, 2007

2007 TCGA Cup 结果


比赛是在wooden stick球场,是一个replica 球场,每个洞都模仿大满贯场地的一个著名的洞。譬如说,17洞就是一个岛洞,设计和player championship的17洞一模一样。


Thursday, June 28, 2007


自五月份, Emily开始吃中药, 有改善,效果不是很明显, 我坚信西药对她的只会越来越严重, 用了激素的药好了几天又会发,而且皮肤发黑,晚上要痒醒好几次。Bill的三姑姑在网上发现了一种据说很有效的中药, 北京出的。经过一番调查, 确信此药是正规厂家出产的。 便买了6个疗程。 自六月二十号开始用, 一个星期下来, 皮肤颜色变淡,光滑。晚上睡觉也没有那么痒了。只要制好宝宝的, 那么此次上海之行就是最值得的。